Friday, February 5, 2010

Its the simple things.....

I got a new laptop.. It was the cheapest laptop that best buy had and I LOVE IT.  Its such a simple thing but its a great tool.   It not just a computer but a window to express myself and get support. Its a source for information.   I am so excited.  I had the same computer for 5 years .. Its so exciting.  :)  Its shinny and new.  This is going to be great.


  1. What kind? I'm looking at getting a little notebook I think. My dell is 3 years old and a hulking brute!

  2. Its a compaq.;+Celeron%26%23174;+Processor+-+Black/9700678.p?id=1218152461763&skuId=9700678 it was only 330 and really while I consider myself pretty savy it pretty much all i need. Better then a 5 year old computer that is falling apart.
